

  • Nikola Mirkov

    Nikola Mirkov - 2010-11-15

    I have seen that there is  LES stub in src/turb/les folder. It would be interesting to implement LES in ISAAC - so I wanted to ask for some guidelines and advice.
    Is there some paper which explains implementation of LES in some code similar to ISAAC?
    What should subroutines dmpsgs, getsf2, rmusgs be used for?
    If anyone is interested to join the effort - let me know.


  • Nikola Mirkov

    Nikola Mirkov - 2010-12-08

    Ok now I understand some things.  In the ISAAC's source code we have stuns for Smagorinsky SGS model, and structure function (F2 - local second order velocity structure function) model. As I understood F2 can be found as mean of the square of  difference between the velocity at a given point and in each surrounding cell. We can use N, E , S, W cells.
    Smagorinsky is straigth forward.
    We also need to put the fourth order schemes into work. As C. Speziale have aid in AIAA J. 36., 2., 1998: "…it should be noted that practical LES, in complex geometries, will require the use of finite difference techniques with a compact filter, where we will never make explicit use of the filter. (These finite difference methods should be based on fourth-order accurate finite difference schemes.)…")"


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