
  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I've installed IPPlan over AppServ 2.4.2 for Windows. I've followed the installation instructions given in INSTALL-WINDOWS (ipplan 4.02).

    When I access to http://localhost/ipplan/admin/install.php and select "New Installation", "Display on screen" and press Submit,  I read the following:


    #snmp support not compiled into php
    #importing from routing tables and direct query of device will not work

    #gettext support not compiled into php
    #multilingual support will not work

    #zlib support compiled into php
    #output to webrowser will be compressed for quicker loading of pages if web browser supports compression

    #File uploads to ip records may not work - unable to create file in /var/spool/ipplanuploads - check permissions

    #DNS zone file exports do not work - unable to create file in /tmp/dns/ - check permissions
    Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [2] => Directory [3] => COM [4] => VARIANT [5] => swfshape [6] => swffill [7] => swfgradient [8] => swfbitmap [9] => swftext [10] => swftextfield [11] => swffont [12] => swfdisplayitem [13] => swfmovie [14] => swfbutton [15] => swfaction [16] => swfmorph [17] => swfsprite [18] => adofieldobject [19] => adoconnection [20] => adofetchobj [21] => adorecordset_empty [22] => adodb_base_rs [23] => adorecordset [24] => adorecordset_array [25] => ipplandbf [26] => base [27] => basicauthenticator [28] => sqlauthenticator ) Missing file: c:\appserv\www\ipplan\adodb/drivers/

    ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver ''

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: connect() in c:\appserv\www\ipplan\admin\schemacreate.php on line 385


    And I can't find What's wrong? Thanks for your support.

    • Richard Ellerbrock

      What database driver have you selected in the config.php file?

      This probably has something to do with appserv as appserv also includes the adodb database driver set, maybe an older version that is conflicting with the adodb included with IPplan. Will try to test and re-create this.

    • Richard Ellerbrock

      Just did a fresh install using Appserv 2.4.2 and all worked just fine. Remember to modify config.php. Also note that the archive contains subdirectories if you use winzip to extract. I had issues with the passwords though and had to do:

      set password for 'ipplan'@'localhost' = old_password('ipplan99');

      on the mysql command line to change the password to old style - looks like Appserv is linked against an old library. See

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Thanks for replying. Finally it was a problem in the config.php file. I typed the following:

      define("DBF_TYPE", "admin");

      instead of:

      define("DBF_TYPE", "mysql");

      Though I've had to type the set command in the mysql command line to work as you said.

      I'm enjoying this tool. Thanks at all!


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