
Updating RWHOIS server

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am trying to find out if IPPLAN can interface with Rwhois in realtime and automaticaly update the Rwhois database?

    Thanks for your help in advance

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This has been asked a number of times - the answer currently is no. If somebody can supply an API to RWHOIS (what RWHOIS server, how to talk to it, processes etc). I could find nothing on how to do this, so thus it is not implemented. Also there have been no takers on looking into getting some integration going. IPplan has plenty ways of exporting data into various formats. The latest has been the addition of triggers - each add, change, delete etc is passed to a user defined function which can be hooked into to do something useful.

      Code contrbutions for rwhois would be great.

    • Richard Ellerbrock

      Ok, spent some time and coded up a sample whois server in php that can talk to the IPplan backend database. The server is packaged with the IPplan API. Read the README-WHOIS file in the examples directory in the ipplanapi-0.95.tar.gz file.


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