
#51 DEB-packages and Ubuntu PPA


I've made an Ubuntu package of ipt_netflow: It installs cleanly in Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 10.10.
Package use DKMS to build a kernel module, so it will automatically rebuilt on kernel update (while API remain compatible). I'll be happy to see link to my repo on official page.

Also, source package contains several patches (in debian/patches directory) which remove ipt_netflow dependency on FULL iptables source and FULL kernel source. My package depends only on iptables headers (which provided by iptables-dev package) and kernel headers (which provided by linux-headers-* package). Consider include patches in upstream source.

I'm ready for discuss.


  • ABC

    ABC - 2011-03-30

    I don't see the point adding deistributive dependent patches to to main source tree. That's what distribution shoudl care about.

    About link, I would like to add BUT project doesn't have project homepage. And SF project page don't provide link functionality. Maybe I should make real page after all...

  • ABC

    ABC - 2011-03-30
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-30

    > I don't see the point adding deistributive dependent patches to to main source tree. That's what distribution shoudl care about.
    I don't actually ask to add any patches. It's just show that ipt-netflow CAN be built without rebuilding a kernel AND iptables. You were argue with this at


    Last edit: Anonymous 2013-11-26
  • ABC

    ABC - 2011-03-30

    I suggest rebuild not becasue it's not possible otherwise but becasue it's simplest way around.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-31

    Ok. But your build script _require_ access to kernel sources and iptables sources. Hence, using your build script it's not possible to build ipt-netflow without having those sources. But in fact, the only thing, which is needed for building ipt-netflow, is header files for _already compiled_ kernel and for _already compiled_ iptables.
    Why not change the build script to search only those needed headers and not entire sources? Why require what is not actually needed? Moreover, this will simplify building of ipt-netflow in many binary distros, which provide header files separately.
    If you want, I can setup ipt-netflow to use Autotools for building, which will address this issue.

  • ABC

    ABC - 2011-03-31

    1. Where it should search for it in portble way? Standard is link to kernel source from /lib/modeules/$kernel version/build, this link is supposed to be to correct version of sources. /usr/include/linux tree may be obsoleted, no proof it is correct. Install devel version of kernel if you have package system, I think it's standard practice. Enlighten me on other ways. Also how to compile kernel module without sources and absence of kernel makefiles?

    2. Send me patch.

    3. I don't have mood to dig into debian mess.

    4. configure can have option (like it now have for links to kernel/iptables src) to link just to required headers. And then we can describe in manual how to specify them. And for binary distributions script could detect that this binary distribution have correct headers installed and link against them (set default values for these options).

  • ABC

    ABC - 2011-03-31

    Btw, maybe you could just become debian maintainer for this package?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-31

    > Also how to compile kernel module without sources and absence of kernel makefiles?
    Ok, I recheck this and found out that your ./configure scripts works well with just kernel headers (and Makefiles) installed. So, this is no more an issue.

    > 2. Send me patch. :) This patch removes iptables source dependency.

    > 3. I don't have mood to dig into debian mess.
    In "debian/patches" directory - there are regular problem-separated patches just as one I mention above. There aren't any mess :)

    I suggest to do all future discussion of dependency on iptables source in

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-31

    > Btw, maybe you could just become debian maintainer for this package?
    I certainly will. When I finally switch to Debian.


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