
Material Summary-Additional Material...

  • Bhawana Jandial

    Bhawana Jandial - 2010-04-16

    When "C-Material Summary" is selected, then in the "Additional Material Composition Declaration" tab, "Other Material Declaration section" appears.

    a) Requester Instructions and Supplier Instructions are not updated. i.e.: Text still included JIG A and B instead of R, A or I.
    b) Buttons "Update Material Declaration" and "Clear Other Material Composition in JIG Tab" are not functional. i.e.: On clicking on "Update Material Declaration", Level "Other" is not added.

  • fatima zohra el osbi

    Thanks for reporting this bug! it's supposed to be  fixed on the new version of the Scriba beta03.

  • Bhawana Jandial

    Bhawana Jandial - 2010-04-20

    Tested in beta03. Working fine.


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