
ipaudit-web wont work - PLEASE HELP!!!

  • Bryan Stephan

    Bryan Stephan - 2009-04-17

    i am pretty new to linux.

    i have installed the application all the prerequistes and follewed the instuctions - but when I try open the webpage I get nothing

    i have tried this on two boxes - both dont work

    i have confirmed that i have all this install

    -  Unix (system developed under Linux).
    -  C compiler
    -  Pcap library installed to read your network traffic.
    -  Perl to enable the scripts to run.
    -  Web server to view reports online (without web server you can always
            view data files via the shell).
    -  Web and cgi access to directories ~ipaudit/public_html/ and
    -  Gnuplot installed to draw web accessible graphs
    -  OPTIONAL: Perl module Time::ParseDate for the cgi-scripts
           SearchIpauditData to work (can omit if necessary)

    and i did this steps - to a T

    (1) Create ipaudit user

    (2) If using a tar file, unpack it

            > tar xzf ipaudit-web-*.tgz

        OR if using CVS, download it with

            > cvs -d:$ADDR login
            > cvs -d:$ADDR co ipaudit-web

           When you're prompted for
               CVS password: _
           just hit enter.

    (3) Change to  compile/  directory.

            > cd ipaudit-web/compile

    (4) Run ./configure and make

        (Type ./configure --help for various configuration options)

            > ./configure
            > make

    (5) Log in as root

            > su
            > make install
            > make install-cron
            > exit   (to leave root)

    (6) IMPORTANT! Set your network in ipaudit-web.conf

            edit the line in the file ipaudit-web.conf


            to correspond to your network. See the comments in ipaudit-web.conf
            file or type

               man -M ~ipaudit/man ipaudit

            for more info.

    (7)  You're Done!  (but see next optional step)

         You're done now - at this point you should have a working installation.
         Assuming your web server is operational you can point your web browser at
         to view collected data. It will take between 30 and 60 minutes for ipaudit
         to display live data.

    • Jon Rifkin

      Jon Rifkin - 2009-04-19

      Here are a few things you can do to see what part of the installation failed.

      1) Is there an ipaudit user?  Run
           'grep -c ^ipaudit: /etc/passwd'
         if you get 0, then there is not ipaudit user.
         if you get 1, then there an ipaudit ser

      2) Is the ipaudit exectuable installed?
            ls -l ~ipaudit/bin/ipaudit
          if you get something like
              ls: cannot access /home/ipaudit/bin/ipaudit:
              No such file or directory
         Then the binary did not compile and/or get installed.

      3) Is ipaudit running now?
            ps -ef | grep -c ipaudit
      These tests should be good to start with.

      Good luck.


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