

sorry for the confusion, in my last news item i meant to say 0.5 not 0.4. Anyway!

0.5teaser1 is just a bundled and cleaned version of what is currently in CVS. Im pretty sure everything works just fine ;)

Please play around with it and tell me about any bugs you find (other than uncompleted parts)

Tournaments should be a little clearer now, and all the scripts now check the data very thouroghly.

Note: Install instructions are out of date. You will need to use apache with mod_perl installed. Enable mod perl on the /perl directory but allows execcgi and ssi on everything else as before (teaser not release).

I would suggest you read up on mod_perl at and turn on caching database connections and so forth. You will see a big performance increase.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2001-05-05

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