
Make it more Win32 usable

Wish List
  • Michel Meyers

    Michel Meyers - 2001-04-23

    Yeah, I know nobody uses Windows as webserver but given the fact that Apache works quite well unter Win2k Pro I actually do that. (at least for my small LANs)

    However: Installing intralan on Win2k is a real pain, if not near to impossible.

    Might be interesting to make it a little more portable so that mainstream lusers like me can also use it ;)

    (BTW: I actually got it to work but only with severely limited functionality)


    • Daniel

      Daniel - 2001-04-23


      "However: Installing intralan on Win2k is a real pain, if not near to impossible."

      Well, use Linux. Installing intralan on Linux isn't that difficult. You only need some basic linux knowledge everyone could get if he/she wants to.
      You also said that you are using intralan for small LANs. I think intralan isn't designed for small LANs. (Or what dou you understand under small? 100ppl?)...
      In my opinion intralan is only effective on medium and large LANs. And on such LANs you are able to find a sponsor setting up a linux server...

      For me Linux is the only solution for server based applications.

      If you are able to install it on win32 you are able to install it on linux.

      (yes, i am still learning english)


    • Dean Hamstead

      Dean Hamstead - 2001-04-28

      Sorry for not checking the forums more often. But anyway.

      Lev, I feel your pain! At the moment we (well i) am rewriting basically the lot to use templates and mod_perl, ditching ssi altogether.

      This should make the system more usable on windows/apache and windows/iis

      I dont know if mod_perl will compile on windows, but all of intralan should still run just fine through normal cgi methods (although youll need to configure things a little)

      When all the code is converted from old to new, ill probably move things around a little and write up more documentation.

      IntraLAN isnt aimed at any specific lan size, we make it for our lan ( and have put it up for all to use and enjoy, in the hope that people will give us feedback ;)

      IntraLAN runs at our lans (around 100 people) and ran a month ago at a 330 person lan.

      Mod_perl makes a *massive* difference.

      I also recommend that people learn to use CPAN, it makes upgrading perl libraries alot easier (see

    • Michel Meyers

      Michel Meyers - 2001-05-25

      Use Linux ... well in short: I can't because it doesn't work with that ^%*@# DLink DFE530 TX card I got. (And don't even start telling me I need the via-rhine driver, I've compiled about 6 of them and NONE work!) So, as far as my server machine is concerned it's either Win2k to which I own a license anyway (came with the machine) or buy a new card and use Linux.

      About mod_perl ... I haven't seen it for Win32 Apache yet. (saw mod_php but not Perl) but I'll keep looking.


      • Dean Hamstead

        Dean Hamstead - 2001-06-07

        Dlink 530tx's (especially the latest release) are shocking in linux. You need to update to the latest 2.4.x kernel to have a chance of being able to use them, even so, they are still an appauling card and will probably crash or lock up your machine. I recommend netgear cards, but for intralan to run a 200 person lan its hosting box really only needs to have like a 10 meg isa card.


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