
Delphi Internet Demos / News: Recent posts

Added Demos for Indy 10 snapshot

I have added some dempos for the versions of Indy 10 that are available since the release (or the one that may ship with Delphi >7)
These demos use named "Indy10+"
THe changes to Indy 10 are :-
uses IdObjs, IdSys;
// as oppoesed to
uses IDStreamVCL;

TIDStream / TIdFileStream as opposed to TIdVCLStream.

1 other change is that a read timeout no longer generates an exception, so I have manually created one for the purpose of keeping the demos similar.

Posted by David Hooper 2006-06-29

V2.0 release

Restructured the releases into a more obvious grouping.

Posted by David Hooper 2006-06-12