
Installation problem-MySQL 4.0, Tomcat 5.0.18

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The environment is SuSe 8.1, MySQL 4.0, Java 1.5 (Tiger), Tomcat 5.0.28, and InfoGlue 2.0.1 Final.

    I was able to set up Java, Tomcat, MySQL. When I run, the script seems to prompt me for all the typical settings. However, when setting up the database tables, the script displays the following error and when I press [Enter] as prompted at the end of this message, it endlessly loops around the error below.

    Please help.


    Setting up all users....
    *      The connect phaze starts         *
    Loading JDBC driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    Connecting to database on jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql
    Creating castor db-file
    Done setting up database
    An exception occurred:Illegal group reference
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference
            at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement( Code))
            at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll( Code))
            at java.lang.String.replaceAll( Compiled Code))
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.ConfigurationFileCommander.createCMSPropertyFile( Code))
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.setupPropertyFiles(
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.finishInstallation(
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.showFinishDialog(
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.showFinishDialog(
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.showFinishDialog(
            at org.infoglue.cmsinstaller.InfoGlueCommandLineInstaller.main(

    Complete Installation

    It's now time to complete the installation
    by copying the codebase to the webcontainer.

    I tried installing in Windows with MySQL 5 and Tomcat 5.5, but I run into another type of error - something about data being too long for column (a JDBC SQL exception).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I used MySQL 4.1 and the installation worked!


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