
setting up IIPImage and testing

  • Henry

    Henry - 2012-12-11

    I installed and configured IIPImage for Ubuntu 12.10 server 64 bit.
    After typing http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.cfgi, I can see the page showing "Internet Imaging Protocol Server" ...

    However, when I typed http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=/tmp/marbles.tif&wid=200&cvt=jepg, I
    got something weird saying" Openining IIPisAMadGameClosedToOurUnderstanding.netfpx". I checked the log file, it says
    "[1/3]: Command / Argument is ?FIF: /tmp/marbles.tif "
    "Unsupported command: ?FIF".

    Could you please help? Is it just a syntax error?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2012-12-11

    it should be cvt=jpeg not cvt=jepg

  • Henry

    Henry - 2012-12-11

    Thx Ruven. cvt=jepg is my typo. in reality, i used cvt=jpeg

  • Henry

    Henry - 2012-12-11

    is it because my tif file? Do you have some sample tif files that I can download for testing? Thanks

  • Henry

    Henry - 2012-12-11

    Thanks, I figured it out. It was ?FIF, I got an extra ?

  • Hoang Long Nguyen


    I got the file IIPisAMadGameClosedToOurUnderstanding either, and its content is just: Error/7:1 3 FIF

    Here is the image that i used:

    How did you fix it?

    here is the my test:

    3.tif is a renamed version of PalaisDuLouvre.tif
    here is the log:

    Wed Apr 17 23:14:08 2013

    IIPImage Server. Version 0.9.9
    Ruven Pillay

    Verbosity level set to 6
    Running in FCGI mode

    Setting maximum image cache size to 10MB
    Setting filesystem prefix to ''
    Setting default JPEG quality to 50
    Setting maximum CVT size to 3000
    Setting 3D file sequence name pattern to 'pyr'

    Initialisation Complete.

    CVT maximum viewport size set to 3000
    Full Request is FIF=3.tif&wid=200&cvt=jpeg
    [1/3]: Command / Argument is FIF : 3.tif
    FIF handler reached
    FIF :: URL decoding/filtering: 3.tif => 3.tif
    FIF :: Image cache initialisation
    3.tif is not a file and no glob support enabled

    Server: iipsrv/0.9.9

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Content-Type: application/vnd.netfpx

    Content-Disposition: inline;filename="IIPisAMadGameClosedToOurUnderstanding.netfpx"

    Error/7:1 3 FIF

    Total Request Time: 1000 microseconds
    image closed and deleted
    Server count is 1


    Last edit: Hoang Long Nguyen 2013-04-17
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-04-17

    The log file is indicating that it cannot find the file. The path you give to the FIF parameter must be the full path to your TIFF file.

  • Hoang Long Nguyen

    ah yeah, i am using iip 0.9.9 and apache 2.4

  • Hoang Long Nguyen

    Guys, i got it worked. Because the read/write permission on the image.




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