
A few questions on AJAX client

  • Slavek Kabrda

    Slavek Kabrda - 2008-09-04

    I'm currently working on my school project, which is to create a kind of special Image Server. I made it compatible with your AJAX client, but I'd like to know, if you'd by ok with me making a few adjustments, like removing the IIPImage logo + credits and maybe even the preview image in the upper right corner.

    Thanks for your response,

    • Ruven

      Ruven - 2008-09-04

      The software is licensed under the GPL, so you may modify it as you like for personal use. If you distribute it, then you need to provide your source code or changes you have made. I guess a school project can be considered "personal use", though your teachers will want to know where you got the code for the client from.

      • Slavek Kabrda

        Slavek Kabrda - 2008-09-04

        Well, the thing is, It will be used for our online metadata editor. It's not a commercial project, so I'm not sure if this is or is not "distributing". I will, of course, be happy to provide the changed source code to anyone.
        Thanks for the answer.



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