
Image file of the CVS

  • louvros

    louvros - 2008-10-16

    Is it possible to create an image file of the CVS of IFWM OS?
    Thanks in advance!

    • Bahman Movaqar

      Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-16


      I wonder what do you mean exactly?  A simple SVN checkout will yield you the whole IFEM repository.  Or do you mean a nightly/weekly/monthly archive in downloads section?


    • louvros

      louvros - 2008-10-16

      I mean an image file (floppy or cdrom) in downloads section...
      Is it possible???

      • Bahman Movaqar

        Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-16

        Pardon me I didn't understand you clearly but here's what I think:
        1.  Archive of sources:  Yes it is possible.
        2.  Binary image of IFEM:  No, it's not currently possible (



    • louvros

      louvros - 2008-10-16

      OK...thanks for your quick response!!!
      I was hoping for a bootable image of IFEM, but it 's not possible at the moment...

      • Bahman Movaqar

        Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-16

        All right...searching through ancient dusty archives I found the last working binary image.  Uploaded it to downloads section (

        It works on my box running FreeBSD 7.0 and bochs 2.3.7.

        Let me know if you run into any problems.


    • louvros

      louvros - 2008-10-16

      It works on UBUNTU 8.04 and QEMU 1.7.4.
      What I get is a shell that prints the following message:
      INT 0x20: PIT tick'ed 300 times
      and when I press a key I get two scan codes.
      Well I was hoping to run some kind of it possible...:-}

      • Bahman Movaqar

        Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-17

        The short answer: No.

        The long answer: IFEM is being developed and currently there are no shells to log into.  So in case you ask yourself what IFEM does now, I'd say it has
        1.  a kernel which provides CPU abstraction to other modules.
        2.  a very primitive keyboard driver which in fact acts as a placeholder for further development and for now just pops up messages about the scan code of the keys pressed/released.
        3.  a very primitive text-based video driver.
        4.  and the last primitive member of the band is the timer/scheduler which too acts as a placeholder for further development and for now counts how many timer ticks.



        PS:  It's good to hear that it also runs using QEMU.

    • louvros

      louvros - 2008-10-18

      OK...Thanks for your short and long answers!

      • Bahman Movaqar

        Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-18

        BTW, may I ask what benchmarks you were trying to perform?  Is it some part of research/thesis?


    • louvros

      louvros - 2008-10-18

      I 'm searching for an exokernel system to run some benchmarks and evaluate the performance of exokernels in part of my diploma on exokernels. I could use some simple applications just like cp, gunzip, rm, etc. and compare the results with some monolithic OSes (just like PDOS did with Xok and BSD).

      • Bahman Movaqar

        Bahman Movaqar - 2008-10-19

        All right.  Thanks for the answer.  Good luck.



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