
Datamatrix format

  • Diogo Alves

    Diogo Alves - 2009-03-30

    isn't there a way to avoid formats like the C12X26?

    that would be very cool if that is possible.

    • Fabrizio

      Fabrizio - 2009-03-30

      I don't understand.  Can you explain a bit more?

    • Diogo Alves

      Diogo Alves - 2009-04-01

      well, it's simple...

      the datamatrix barcode format is usually a square, but with your library sometimes it creates a rectangle...

      I wanted to avoid that since I should always have a square barcode

      • Fabrizio

        Fabrizio - 2009-04-02

        You can set the size using this constructor:

             public DataMatrix(string message, int w, int h)

            IEC16022Sharp.DataMatrix dx = new IEC16022Sharp.DataMatrix("hello world", 48, 48);

        But if you want auto-size AND only squares, it's not possible at the moment. The auto-size routine searches in the whole list of available size. When one fits, it's used.

        I think it's easy to modify the source-code...  but at the moment I've no time. Sorry.



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