
IceChat 2009 / News: Recent posts

IceChat 2009 start problems

We are trying a lot of different ways in saving the XML Files, and found that XML Serialization is the quickest and easiest. But it does cause some problems. If you have any problems starting the project, the 1st thing you should do is delete all the IceChat*.xml files from your Documents folder. This fixes the majority of the problems. We are addressing this problem in Alpha 6.

Posted by Snerf 2009-08-24

IceChat 2009 Alpha 1

IceChat 2009 Alpha 1 Source Code has been released. Written in C# .Net 2.0 using Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. Can use multiple server connections.

Posted by Snerf 2009-03-01

IceChat 2009

Now we are starting again with IceChat 2009, writing it in C# 2008 and using the .Net 2.0 framework. This is a total re-write, from scratch.

Posted by Snerf 2009-02-16

IceChat 8

IceChat 8 may get back into the works, using C# 2005 with .Net 2.0 I will be a simpler IRC Client, but a very easy one to use. Not using other libraries, all in-house coding.

Posted by Snerf 2007-03-15

IceChat 6 Dropped

IceChat 6 Development has ceased, from the lack of intererest. IceChat 7 will replace it, but not be open source.

Posted by Snerf 2005-05-21

Next Alpha Version Delayed

Some big changes are happening with IceChat 6, and the majority of its code is being re-written. Check out our home page for further information.

Posted by Snerf 2005-01-08

Next Alpha (0041) soon to be released

We are re-working a lot of code, making some changes, and cleaning up the code. We will be making a new textbox control in the future, so, for now no colors will work in channels, etc, just straight text.

Posted by Snerf 2004-12-28

Alpha .0031A Released

2 nasty little problems found with Alpha 0030, where messages caused crashes and servers would not re-connect after 2 attempts.

Posted by Snerf 2004-11-13

Alpha .0030 Released

The latest Alpha version has a lot of new features and bug fixes, as well as a lot of re-coding done to clean it up. It is suggested that your current settings files are removed, and let IceChat/FirstRun re-create them, or problems could occur.


Posted by Snerf 2004-11-11

IceChat 6 Alpha .0028

Alpha .0028 has been released. The next version will most likely be developed using the .Net 2.0 Framework using C# 2005 Express Edition.

Posted by Snerf 2004-09-15

IceChat 6 Alpha .0026

The latest and greatest of the Alpha versions has been released. Many fixes, and additions.

Posted by Snerf 2004-08-26

IceChat 6 Alpha .0024 Released

A very large update, many things added to this version.

Posted by Snerf 2004-08-04

IceChat 6 Alpha .0022 Released

Our first release of IceChat 6. Uses the thresher IRC library. The client is FAR from finished, but can connect to servers and chat in channels. Updates coming in the near future.

Posted by Snerf 2004-07-13

New code should be released soon.

There hasn't been much code released yet, but don't worry, we're still working away writing some of the core stuff. So far the new code can handle connecting with http, socks4 and socks5 proxies. There are a bunch of settings defined now, and the core IRC library is taking shape. We'll also be releasing some technical documentation of the code so that any other developers who wish to use some of it, or who want help us can learn how it works without having to plough through thousands of lines of coding. This new code release should hopefully be out within the next 3 weeks or so. Prefferably within a week or two. Stay tuned for updates.

Posted by Chris Waddell 2004-03-23