
Set a const IP for a special user

  • OmidReza

    OmidReza - 2006-10-28

    I am using IBS-0.15 and I want to set a const IP ( special IP ) for a special user.
    so any user can only connect to the internet with a special IP ( that I set it ).


    • Farshad Khoshkhui

      it's somehow not easy. take a look at a file named ""(or such thing) in /usr/local/ibs. It possibly added only in cvs, so you need to check out the cvs first

    • Mr. Prine

      Mr. Prine - 2006-12-14


      I use IBS-0.15 Lan Accounting feature.
      I could set static ip for users by changing file.But I should restart ibs to apply the chaneges to ibs and this causes me some problems:
      The pptp clients that were connected before restarting ibs are up ,but ibs has no history about them.for example in "online user report" there is no sign of them
      and I have no control on "time limit" that they use after restarting ibs.

      Is there anyway to apply static ip changes without restarting ibs,like reloading it?



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