
#7 Number of Context

Jens Lucius

It would be helpful if there were more Context available. When using Keys there are three available (80000000,80000001,80000002). Context can be flushed, but working with several keys it would be nice to have more.


  • Ken Goldman

    Ken Goldman - 2015-07-08

    At first reading, this is a TPM issue, not a TSS issue.

    Are you saying that you can only load 3 keys? After that, do you get 00000902, TPM_RC_OBJECT_MEMORY? If so, that's the TPM saying it only has 3 key slots.

    Long term, a resource manager daemon/service running under the TSS will manage context swapping for your, and any other, process. Since you probably don't have a resource manager, short term you have to manage TPM resources yourself.

    I'll close this as not a TSS bug in a few days unless you disagree.

  • Jens Lucius

    Jens Lucius - 2015-07-08

    Ok, sorry then this seems to be a TPM issue. Yes I can have three keys loaded at the same time. As this is not a TSS issue, this can be closed

    createprimary -hi p -pwdk pps
    ->Handle 80000000

    create -hp 80000000 -st -kt f -kt p -opr storepriv.bin -opu storepub.bin -pwdp pps -pwdk sto
    load -hp 80000000 -ipr storepriv.bin -ipu storepub.bin -pwdp pps
    -> Handle 80000001

    create -hp 80000000 -si -kt f -kt p -opr signpriv.bin -opu signpub.bin -pwdp pps -pwdk sig
    load -hp 80000000 -ipr signpriv.bin -ipu signpub.bin -pwdp pps
    -> Handle 80000002

    create -hp 80000000 -sir -kt f -kt p -opr signrpriv.bin -opu signrpub.bin -pwdp pps -pwdk sig
    load -hp 80000000 -ipr signrpriv.bin -ipu signrpub.bin -pwdp pps
    -> load: failed, rc 00000902
    -> TPM_RC_OBJECT_MEMORY - out of memory for object contexts


    Last edit: Jens Lucius 2015-07-08
  • Ken Goldman

    Ken Goldman - 2015-07-08
    • status: open --> closed

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