
ianout - a next generation 2d engine / News: Recent posts

Ianout goes subversion / trac

Hi folks :)

Just wanted to inform you that the ianout project team decided to make the step from using the slightly outdated CVS and goes for Subversion.

We tested our new repository the last days and are quite happy with the new easier handling of our repository.

You can view our repository here:

Anonymous checkout is enabled, just use the following URL with your favourite svn client to access the repository:
(standard checkout)
(secure checkout) read more

Posted by mvBarracuda 2005-08-30

IanOut beta 4 released

Hi everone, IanOut Beta 4 was just recently released :) Okay, so what's new? Well let's see:

* it is using SDL instead of DirectX... the code looks better, and is 99% portable to linux and MacOs, SO we can plan ports for non-Win32 platforms in the future. And it seems that it's even a bit faster, too :)
* An installer + config programme. It seams that a lot of people had problems with the configuration of the game in the past so we created this one; I hope this will solve the majority of those problems
* A new logging system. Now it's quite easy to find bugs because the generated log.txt lists all engine activity.
* Music support: Okay, it's very-very experimental, and there isn't sound effect support, just background music. But at least it's there and it supports .ogg
* Some cool alphablend effects. Look at the screenshots in our galery here to get an idea what this option is :)
* 2 mods in one package, YES :) You get the original IanOut main mod (of course it's experimental), and now you get a non-interactive mod too: it shows some scenes from Orwell's book 1984. They may sound nonsence if you haven't read the book, but it shows the possibility to make storytelling passages in IanOut engine.... read more

Posted by mvBarracuda 2005-01-18