

Ingemar Allqvist


Like many before me, I've come to appreciate JMeter as a simple, yet powerful, tool for performance and regression tests. However, when testing a project involving several disjoint, document oriented, webservices; I've found the XPath ellements (assertions and extractions) namespaces a bit clumsy to use.

For me, it would be more natural defining namespaces in the test elements, instead of in a JMeter installation file. So, I've decided to enhance the XPath extractor and XPath assertion with these features.


  • The new assertions/extractors are called iXPath Assertion and iXPath Extractor, respectevly
  • You can still disregard namespaces alltogether. In that case, the elements will work just like the standard "XPath Assertions"- and "XPath Extraction"-elements
  • If you activate "Use Namespaces", a text field will be enabled. In this field you can define the namespaces (prefixes) you'll use in your xpath expression, in a property like fashion; "prefix=namespace", see Example.
  • When these elements are created, they'll look into the file referenced by the xpath.namespace.config property of the JMeter installation (if any).


As usual, simply move the jar-file to your ${jmeter installation}/lib/ext/ directory, and restart JMeter. That's all!

Status of project/plugin

Now, with some JUnit tests and with some additional tests performed, it looks fully functional to me. I would say that the status is "first Beta".

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