
Initial (and probably the only) release

That's the state of a project when I've switched to python+twisted, since PHP sucks bad for event-driven apps.

IPC server is able to catch requests for relevant userinfo, sending messages or getting buddylists and the client part is capable of fetching all that.
Last thing I've tried here was to implement some reconnection mechanism to survive any network/server issues and some 'authentication failure' errors when client is given bad login/password, so there could be some stubs of these features, though quite unlikely.

All you need to do to start it up is to type in some login/password into Hyscar.php file, line 32.
If you'll find this project of any use to you - think again - it's really quite ugly, and if you like to continue it's development - you're welcome to take over.

Posted by Mike Kazantsev 2008-06-22

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