
HyperImage Virtual Research Environment / News: Recent posts

HyperImage 3 Beta 2 Released (v3.0.beta-2)

We are pleased to announce that Beta 2 of HyperImage 3 has been released. The installation package is available from SourceForge or via

This release brings many new features including support for internationalised tags (see as well as numerous bug fixes.
Details about the new features can be found here: read more

Posted by Jens-Martin Loebel 2015-06-15

HyperImage 3 Beta Released (v3.0.beta-1)

We are pleased to announce the first beta version of HyperImage 3. The installation package is available from SourceForge or via

Details about the new features can be found here:

Posted by Jens-Martin Loebel 2015-02-16

HyperImage 3 Reader Released (v3.0.beta-1)

We are pleased to announce the release of the HyperImage Reader 3.0.beta-1:
The Reader is now 100% HTML5-based, eliminating the need for Adobe Flash.

Posted by Jens-Martin Loebel 2013-08-12 Labels: HyperImage3 Release

New Website and Roadmap for HyperImage 3

New Website

We've updated our project information on SourceForge. Take a look at our new site, either via or

HyperImage 3

We are happy to announce that the HyperImage project is alive and kicking. We're currently hard at work to bring you "HyperImage 3", which will be a complete re-implementation replacing the aging Java technology. HyperImage 3 will be fully web-based using HTML5, Javascript and Ruby on Rails.
HyperImage 3 will – of course – be fully compatible with the old HyperImage 2 allowing for easy migration of your content.... read more

Posted by Jens-Martin Loebel 2013-06-09

Version 2.0 of the HyperImage Authoring System

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2.0 of the HyperImage Authoring System, comprising the HyperImage Server, HyperImage Editor and HyperImage SysOp Client.

Posted by Heinz-Günter Kuper 2009-03-10

Version 2.0 BETA of the source code is available

Version 2.0 BETA of the source code for the HyperImage Server, Editor, System Operator Client and Fedora Connector is available from the project's Subversion repository.

If you have any questions regarding the compilation of the code or the deployment of the binaries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the developers,

Posted by Heinz-Günter Kuper 2009-01-30

HyperImage Conference in Berlin, 26 – 27 February 2009

We are happy to announce the HyperImage Conference at the Humboldt University of Berlin from the 26th to the 27th of February 2009. Attendance is free of charge and the conference will be held in German. More details can be found on the following Web site (in German):

You are welcome to email me (in English or German) at
should you have any questions.

Posted by Heinz-Günter Kuper 2009-01-15

Version 2.0 ALPHA of the source code is available

Version 2.0 ALPHA of the source code for the HyperImage Server, Editor, System Operator Client and Fedora Connector is available from the project's Subversion repository. More details regarding the compilation of the code and the deployment of the binaries to follow.

Posted by Heinz-Günter Kuper 2009-01-15