
#2 groups feature

Plugins (8)


with groups feature the group make is the admin
he can add and allow users which can
Download,Upload,browse, share files,....
they become privilegs from the admin...

for eahc new group will be generate the hybrid-share
a new grouptab whith the correct groupname.


and users they have become from the admin
the account data like

username + password

then must only the user to can login

account name:
account password:

then can login to the group1

the grouptab have 2 methods

chat dialog + virtual share dialog in it.
when connected to the group then automaticly you are in
the group1 groupchat..............

the rest it tell later


  • Matteo Bertozzi

    Matteo Bertozzi - 2006-12-17
    • labels: --> Plugins
    • milestone: --> Future
    • assigned_to: nobody --> matteo_bertozzi
  • kubani

    kubani - 2007-01-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO


    The Admin , The groupmaker creates users with nick and password...

    The users doesnt need a own account.

    The groupmaker makes that accounts for his users with nick and pass.

    I think we need a Groups Dialog where can join to the group.. with

    give :

    Group Name:
    Account Name:
    Account Password:

    in the Groups Dialog can see listed groups

    like puplic group to ca join without pass

    or private need from groupadmin the nick + pass.

  • Matteo Bertozzi

    Matteo Bertozzi - 2007-01-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Who is the target of this feature?
    I don't have understood where and by whom it can be used...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    With the Groups can use with friends .

    For this Feature you doesnt need use the normal Shared files.

    This feature allow to add some friends which you think they can
    login to the group and can add files...

    The Admin makes privilegs for a Secure Group
    like add users
    which can only chat.. or only listen
    or add users which can add files for share for the group.

    The Admin like can only allow his maked users

    this feauture is realy very good for security.

    Example: the Admin makes 2 groups
    first for puplic users without Filesharing only

    and a second Group only allow users was created
    with nick and pass.
    and with FileSharing and other users cant login to this group.

    i dont know what you to know?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    A HybridShare Group for more Security

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    like a maked a group and i add activate privilegs for the user "tim":

    Permissions Chat:

    Permission Files:
    [x]-Add Folders

    he have now full privilegs for the group

  • Matteo Bertozzi

    Matteo Bertozzi - 2007-02-10
    • status: open --> closed
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    a group maker is the Admin of The Group.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    • status: closed --> open
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    and a grouptab have 2 dialogs in it...
    like 1 for groupchat ...
    second for Files..

    with the buttons Chat can aktivate GroupChat dialog (its activated by default)
    when klick on Files you are on the Virtual Files Dialog...
    it shows all the virtual folders of the group users....

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    the Files dialog in a grouptab have 2 methods

    1.Treeview : for shows the virtual Folders and Subfolders
    2.Tableview : for shows the files what in the actually selected virtual folder is

    there needs in Treeview context menu for :

    -Add a share [can add a new share and can set the virtual path or folders whats needed]
    -Open lokal folder
    -Rename[ can rename a Virtual Folders name]
    -Add a Subfolder[ can add a Subfolder]
    -unshare[can unshare a file from share ]

    and for tableview needs:

    -Open Folder


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