
UTF-8 tests

  • jessbody

    jessbody - 2005-12-09

    When I run the tests included in the package, the non-UTF-8 tests seem ok, but the following fails (in gnome-terminal):

    $ echo $LANG

    $ pwd

    $ hunspell -d utf8 < utf8.good

    Hunspell 1.1.2

    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 2. character position:
    fo�UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 2. character position:
    fo�& fo�2 0: foó, foo

    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 3. character position:
    foo�UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 3. character position:
    foo�& foo�1 0: foo
    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. character position:
    �UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. character position:
    �# �5

    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 3. character position:
    foo�UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 3. character position:
    foo�& foo�1 0: foo

    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 2. character position:
    fo�UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 2. character position:
    fo�& fo�2 0: foó, foo
    UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. character position:
    �UTF-8 encoding error. Missing continuation byte in 0. character position:

    Can you give any suggestions as to what could be wrong?

    • Németh László


      Unfortunatelly, old Hunspell versions doesn't handle byte order marks in first line of aff and dic files.
      Use new Hunspell or BOM-free text editors.

      (I answered this problem in private mail, too.)

