
#25 Optimise and convert to Qt5


Here I attach some profile to help to optimize.
Switching to Qt5 to improve the performance and more platform can be envisaged.
I can help to optimise too your capturing interface.
I note: lot of draw call, to reduct it. No usage of QStringLiteral + lot of QString creation/destruction, then multiple memory allocationd/desalocation. Some code in C, not C++ (htinterface.cpp).
Take advantage of Qt5 is usefull to (less code, better code).


1 Attachments


  • Herman BRULE

    Herman BRULE - 2013-11-28

    The profiling when is running.

  • Herman BRULE

    Herman BRULE - 2013-11-29

    In you code the biggest function out of GUI to optimise is: int __cdecl wrapper_loop(t_hts_callbackarg carg, httrackp opt, lien_back back, int back_max, int back_index, int lien_tot, int lien_ntot, int stat_time, hts_stat_struct stats) into htinterface.cpp
    Don't allocate the variable each time into this function can be usefull too in combination of QStringLiteral

    • E.Kalinowski

      E.Kalinowski - 2013-11-29

      thanks for the info!
      i think, Qt5 support will be build in in version 1.2.0 with the qsystemtrayicon option
      best regards,

  • E.Kalinowski

    E.Kalinowski - 2013-11-29

    for this case, do You need the write permissions for branches?

  • Herman BRULE

    Herman BRULE - 2013-11-29

    I don't know use sourceforge, and very busy on my open source and private project to do it my self now. I can help, or you need wait to see me worked on the project.

    • E.Kalinowski

      E.Kalinowski - 2013-12-01

      no problem, i understand it very good, because this is my hobby-project :)

  • E.Kalinowski

    E.Kalinowski - 2014-01-29

    from the version 1.3.0 project supports the Qt5 library. for switching please change the line SET(USE_QT_VERSION 4) in CMakeLists.txt file.
    Default is the Qt4 library


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