
#159 capturing a screenshot.


It would be great if httpunit has a feature capturing
a screenshot for a given URL. I am not sure if it is
possible with the latest version.


  • SidharthaPriye

    SidharthaPriye - 2007-04-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Are we looking at rendering "application-like" web pages?. What I mean by that is the captured screenshot intended to capture supporting images, stylesheets and javscripts. I have already developed the feature for my own project. If you are interested I would be glad to share it.


  • Wolfgang Fahl

    Wolfgang Fahl - 2008-03-31
    • assigned_to: nobody --> wolfgang_fahl
    • status: open --> pending
  • Wolfgang Fahl

    Wolfgang Fahl - 2008-03-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Please find below some code that I'm using myself for such a feature - how would you like this to be implemented in httpunit itself?

    Copyright (C) 1999-2006 BITPlan GmbH

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    Fon. +49 1805 BITPlan
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    generated: 11.03.2006 um 23:44

    $Header: /usr/cvsroot/Source/Eclipse/com.bitplan.testutil/src/com/bitplan/testutil/,v 1.9 2006/12/08 14:33:36 msf Exp $
    $Id:,v 1.9 2006/12/08 14:33:36 msf Exp $
    // >>>{RCS-Log section}{com/bitplan/testutil/}{com/bitplan/testutil/}
    $Log:,v $
    Revision 1.9 2006/12/08 14:33:36 msf
    Mac OS support

    Revision 1.8 2006/11/12 13:56:44 wf

    Revision 1.7 2006/11/10 18:06:34 wf

    Revision 1.6 2006/11/10 17:56:57 wf
    for SICCMOpti

    Revision 1.5 2006/11/10 14:13:18 wf

    Revision 1.4 2006/11/10 14:11:45 wf
    with -tab option

    Revision 1.3 2006/11/10 14:02:48 wf

    Revision 1.2 2006/03/11 22:45:21 wf

    Revision 1.1 2006/03/09 04:05:16 wf
    new files

    Revision 1.16 2006/03/04 14:02:43 wf

    Revision 1.15 2005/12/21 12:10:00 wf
    snapShotNow added

    Revision 1.14 2005/12/21 10:44:39 wf

    Revision 1.13 2005/12/21 09:43:05 wf

    Revision 1.12 2005/12/21 08:13:44 wf

    Revision 1.11 2005/12/21 07:50:20 wf
    better JUnit multiple error support

    Revision 1.10 2005/06/28 15:16:14 wf

    Revision 1.9 2005/05/20 07:54:18 wf
    new type of problem ...

    Revision 1.8 2005/05/08 13:49:51 wf

    Revision 1.7 2005/05/04 13:25:04 wf
    W e b W a t c h e r modelled and regenerated

    // <<<{RCS-Log section}{com/bitplan/testutil/}{com/bitplan/testutil/}

    * the package for all test utilties for test driven developmen
    package com.bitplan.testutil;

    // >>>{User defined import section}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import com.bitplan.common.Execution;
    import com.bitplan.common.impl.ExecutionImpl;
    // <<<{User defined import section}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    import com.bitplan.testutil.*;
    import java.util.Vector;

    // needed imports for WebWatcher
    import net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester;

    import com.bitplan.common.Debug;

    * default java.lang package
    * @version $Id:,v 1.9 2006/12/08 14:33:36 msf Exp $
    * @author $Author: msf $
    * <DL><DT><B><DD>Template-Version:</B> Id:,v 1.1 2006/03/10
    * 14:15:28 wf Exp </DD></DL>
    public class WebWatcher {
    * ID for GNU Revision Control System - will show in the class file and
    * can be looked for
    * using the ident command of RCS
    private final static String RCSID="$Id:,v 1.9 2006/12/08 14:33:36 msf Exp $";

    // >>>{User defined global section}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    // automatically call the browser to show a problem
    private boolean autoShow=false;
    * @return the autoShow
    public boolean isAutoShow() {
    return autoShow;
    * @param autoShow the autoShow to set
    public void setAutoShow(boolean autoShow) {
    this.autoShow = autoShow;

    protected File snapShotHtmlFile;
    * show the current snapShot in the browser
    public void showFileInBrowser(File htmlFile) throws Exception {
    Execution exe=new ExecutionImpl();
    String os=System.getProperty("");
    // use different browsers
    if (os.contains("Mac OS X")) {
    exe.execute("open "+htmlFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } else if(os.contains("Linux")) {
    exe.execute("firefox -new-tab file://"+htmlFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } else { // assume we have windows
    exe.execute("firefox -new-tab file://"+htmlFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } // if
    } // showSnapShotInBrowser

    * show the current snapShot in the browser
    public void showSnapShotInBrowser() throws Exception {
    boolean oldAutoShow=isAutoShow();
    } // showSnapShotInBrowser

    // <<<{User defined global section}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    // >>>{global reverse engineering}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    // <<<{global reverse engineering}{::com::bitplan::testutil::WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    // Attributes
    * private flag whether htmlFile has been set
    private boolean _sethtmlFile=false; // for lazy evaluation if set
    * getter for flag whether htmlFile has been set
    private boolean _issethtmlFile() { return _sethtmlFile;} // is htmlFile set?

    * local copy for htmlFile
    * the default output file for the snapShots
    private File myhtmlFile;
    * CORBA getter for htmlFile
    * the default output file for the snapShots
    * @return File
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private File htmlFile() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    if (!_sethtmlFile) {
    // >>>{Attr }{htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cf9}
    // <<<{Attr }{htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cf9}
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("File htmlFile() failed: ",t,this,ExcHint);
    return myhtmlFile;
    * CORBA setter for htmlFile
    * @param phtmlFile the new File value to set
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private void htmlFile(File phtmlFile) throws Exception {
    File lhtmlFile=myhtmlFile; // make old value available for Usercode
    _sethtmlFile = true;
    // >>>{Attr set }{htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cf9}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Attr set }{htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cf9}

    * private flag whether sleeptime has been set
    private boolean _setsleeptime=false; // for lazy evaluation if set
    * getter for flag whether sleeptime has been set
    private boolean _issetsleeptime() { return _setsleeptime;} // is sleeptime set?

    * local copy for sleeptime
    * sleeptime between snapShots in Milliseconds
    private int mysleeptime;
    * CORBA getter for sleeptime
    * sleeptime between snapShots in Milliseconds
    * @return int
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private int sleeptime() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    if (!_setsleeptime) {
    // >>>{Attr }{sleeptime}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ce7}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Attr }{sleeptime}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ce7}
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("int sleeptime() failed: ",t,this,ExcHint);
    return mysleeptime;
    * CORBA setter for sleeptime
    * @param psleeptime the new int value to set
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private void sleeptime(int psleeptime) throws Exception {
    int lsleeptime=mysleeptime; // make old value available for Usercode
    _setsleeptime = true;
    // >>>{Attr set }{sleeptime}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ce7}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Attr set }{sleeptime}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ce7}

    * private flag whether tester has been set
    private boolean _settester=false; // for lazy evaluation if set
    * getter for flag whether tester has been set
    private boolean _issettester() { return _settester;} // is tester set?

    * local copy for tester
    * the tester to use for the snapShots and checks
    private WebTester mytester;
    * CORBA getter for tester
    * the tester to use for the snapShots and checks
    * @return WebTester
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private WebTester tester() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    if (!_settester) {
    // >>>{Attr }{tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ccb}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Attr }{tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ccb}
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("WebTester tester() failed: ",t,this,ExcHint);
    return mytester;
    * CORBA setter for tester
    * @param ptester the new WebTester value to set
    * @throws Exception if getter fails
    private void tester(WebTester ptester) throws Exception {
    WebTester ltester=mytester; // make old value available for Usercode
    _settester = true;
    // >>>{Attr set }{tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ccb}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Attr set }{tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7ccb}

    // Operations

    * create a snapShot of the current WebContent as an HTMLfile
    * @throws Exception if snapShot fails

    public void snapShot() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{snapShot}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dba}
    // <<<{Op }{snapShot}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dba}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("void snapShot() failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    } // snapShot

    * assert that there is no PROBLEM or ERROR display on the current page
    * and do a snapShot, sleep a while after this
    * @throws Exception if assertNoProblem fails

    public void assertNoProblem() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{assertNoProblem}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d8c}
    try {
    this.tester().assertTextNotPresent("<b>Fatal error</b>:");
    this.tester().assertTextNotPresent("Fatal error:");
    } catch (Throwable _t1) {
    throw (_t1);
    if (this.sleeptime()>0)
    // <<<{Op }{assertNoProblem}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d8c}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("void assertNoProblem() failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    } // assertNoProblem

    * create a snapShot of the current WebContent as an HTMLfile
    * @param htmlFile the file to write the snapshot to
    * @throws Exception if snapShot fails

    public void snapShot(File htmlFile) throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{snapShotFile htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d5b} htmlWriter = new;
    // <<<{Op }{snapShotFile htmlFile}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d5b}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    if (ExcHint.equals("?")) {
    // htmlFile: File
    } // if
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("void snapShot(File htmlFile) failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    } // snapShot

    * get the fully qualifying domain name of the localhost
    * @throws Exception if getDefaultHost fails
    * @return get the fully qualifying domain name of the default host:
    * localhost

    public String getDefaultHost() throws Exception {
    String result=null;
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{getDefaultHost}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d20};
    // <<<{Op }{getDefaultHost}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7d20}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("String getDefaultHost() failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    return result;
    } // getDefaultHost

    * Constructor to use
    * @param tester the tester to use
    * @throws Exception if WebWatcher fails

    public WebWatcher(WebTester tester) throws Exception {
    // >>>{constructor calls}{WebWatcherWebTester tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cb7}
    // <<<{constructor calls}{WebWatcherWebTester tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cb7}
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{WebWatcherWebTester tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cb7}
    this.htmlFile(new File(System.getProperty("")+File.separatorChar+"WebWatcher.html"));
    // <<<{Op }{WebWatcherWebTester tester}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7cb7}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    if (ExcHint.equals("?")) {
    // tester: WebTester
    } // if
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack(" WebWatcher(WebTester tester) failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    } // WebWatcher

    * create a snapShot of the current WebContent as an HTMLfile with the
    * currentTimeStamp as a name
    * @throws Exception if snapShotNow fails

    public void snapShotNow() throws Exception {
    String ExcHint="?";
    try {
    // >>>{Op }{snapShotNow}{I103c520m1084d36950dmm7a0a}
    String dateStr;
    SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss");
    Date now = new Date();
    dateStr= formatter.format(now);
    snapShotHtmlFile=new File(System.getProperty("")+File.separatorChar+"WebWatcher"+dateStr+".html");
    if (autoShow) {
    // <<<{Op }{snapShotNow}{I103c520m1084d36950dmm7a0a}
    } catch (Throwable _t) {
    throw new com.bitplan.common.ExceptionStack("void snapShotNow() failed",_t,this,ExcHint);
    } // snapShotNow
    // Relations
    * default Constructor
    * @throws Exception if constructor fails
    public WebWatcher() throws Exception {
    // >>>{Constructor 1}{WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}
    // no implementation yet !!!
    // <<<{Constructor 1}{WebWatcher}{I37c7eem103a7b28ea7mm7dd1}

    } // WebWatcher

  • Wolfgang Fahl

    Wolfgang Fahl - 2008-03-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Dear httpunit user!

    Thank you for your feature request. We appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this.

    Please supply a testcase with the expected result for the feature you are asking for and we'll look into implementing it. For a start you might want to get the trunk version from the
    subversion repository (see\)
    and have a look at the source code of some of the more than 700 JUnit based testcase in there.

    When you are ready you might want to attach the testcase (and if you already have started implementing it also the actual code) to your feature request.

    This should give you a clue on what a proper testcase for httpunit looks like. The main communication about further details of the development is via the httpunit developer mailinglist. You are most welcome to sign up via

    The httpunit developer team

    (Russell and Wolfgang as of 2008-03)

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed
  • SourceForge Robot

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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