
Global Preferences Window

  • Jedi Kinight

    Jedi Kinight - 2004-09-03


    I've just upgraded to version 1.40a. Where is the mentioned Global Preferences Windows?

    I have other two plugins installed in Mail (MailPictures and MailPriority). Is there any incompatibility?

    Thanks. =)

    • Daniel Parnell

      Daniel Parnell - 2004-09-06

      That may be the problem.  I've also found that on some machines there is an entry in
      for the toolbar containing the preferences items, and it has to be removed as it is used to only show those items.
      The next release of the plugin will enable the ability to edit the preferences toolbar.

    • Jedi Kinight

      Jedi Kinight - 2005-03-11

      Yes. I've edited the plist and removed the following lines:

              <key>TB Item Identifiers</key>
                  <string>Junk Mail</string>
                  <string>Fonts &amp; Colors</string>

      And the panel now shows. :)

      Just a question: why not add it's name in the install process? I've also tried adding <string>httpmail</string> to the above list and it didn't work.



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