
D'oh - 10.4.1 Update Breaks httpmail (again)

  • Oedipax

    Oedipax - 2005-05-17

    FYI. You might want to wait on updating Tiger if you want to preserve httpmail functionality, at least until there's another update...

    • Oedipax

      Oedipax - 2005-05-17

      Actually, this method fixes it, posted over at the Ars Technica forums:

      "Rename Bundles (Disabled) back to Bundles (Mail 2.0.1 will have changes this on you)

      Reactivate bundles using defaults write EnableBundles YES from a terminal."


    • John Dailey

      John Dailey - 2005-05-17

      No, it doesn't.  At least for me - I just tried it again and Mail under 10.4.1 still disables it.

    • Paul D. Spradling

      10.4.1 broke httpmail and all my other bundles.

      I just reinstalled them and everything was back to normal.

    • John Dailey

      John Dailey - 2005-05-19

      Argh... why is it not working for me :(  heh

    • John Dailey

      John Dailey - 2005-05-19

      I figured it out.

      If Mail complains about incompatibility with 10.4.1, don't use defaults to rewrite BundleCompatibilityVersion.  Only run the defaults to EnableBundles.

      If you do both, it won't work.


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