
Reviving inboxes from Backup

  • Bill

    Bill - 2004-05-14

    Dear people,

    I used this great plugin on Panther 10.3.3. Now I copied my complete Mail folder to a clean install of 10.3.3. I noticed that although the hotmail folders and bundle are there, the plugin didn't work. So I reinstalled the Panther version of the plugin (I used the installer), but now my old hotmail folders still don't show up.
    What am I doing wrong? Am I expecting something that is actually impossible to do?

    Thanks, Rezpack

    • Bill

      Bill - 2004-07-07


      Daniel Parnell emailed me the answer to my question. It seems it's better to email him than to post out here. His email is in the Readme that comes with httpmail.
      Here it goes. This is the solution for httpmail for Panther OS X 10.3.

      The settings for the accounts under Panther are stored in
      so if you have a backup copy of that file you should be able to just restore it and your accounts.

      Under Jaguar I was able to store the account preferences in the file, but under Panther, Mail removes the settings every time it started, so I had to save the account preferences elsewhere. This appears to be caused by Mail loading the accounts before loading all the plugins, so when it tries to install the httpmain accounts, the code for them hasn't been loaded yet, so it fails and then removes the account settings.

      So to restore Mail including you httpmail hotmail folders and account settings:
      -Restore ~/Library/Preferences/
      -Restore ~/Library/Mail complete folder
      -Install httpmail plugin as described in the Readme that comes with the plugin.
      -Restore ~/Library/Preferences/person.djlp.mail.plist
      -Launch Mail

      Peace out.


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