
HTMLEncoder / News: Recent posts


i have just come across the ECS project over at Apache ( Kindly use that!


Posted by Vijai Kalyan 2004-11-19

HTML Encoder version 0.3.2

Reasonably working edition. Not all elements have been implemented. Bug reports, criticisms and suggestions welcome.

Posted by Vijai Kalyan 2004-10-14

HTMLEncoder version 0.3.2

1. Did some reorganizing.
2. Interfaces are hopefully final.
3. Default implementation is progressing.
4. Encoding seems to be working fine.

Posted by Vijai Kalyan 2004-10-09

HTML Encoder verion 0.3.1

1. The interfaces implementation is more or less complete. The remaining interfaces are for Frame, Frameset, DocumentBody and Document elements.

2. Attributed type implementations are complete.

3. Content types for attributes and elements are complete.

4. Document type values are complete.

5. ObjectFactory is more or less complete. Creating objects using the non-default constructor (retrieved by reflection) is yet to be done.... read more

Posted by Vijai Kalyan 2004-10-03