
Set table source and null pointer exception

  • Lady Crystal

    Lady Crystal - 2007-03-19


    I have a null pointer exception that I don't understand :

    the java line :

    statement.executeUpdate("SET TABLE tempo SOURCE \""+base+"/gene.txt;ignore_first=true;fs=\\t\"");

    the error message :

    java.sql.SQLException: S1000 General error java.lang.NullPointerException in statement [SET TABLE tempo SOURCE "test/gene.txt;ignore_first=true;fs=\t"]
       at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
       at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
       at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.execute(Unknown Source)
       at DBTools.AlterAddColumn(

    for me the DB name and the file path are good so I don't know what is null ...

    If you can help me ^^

    • Lady Crystal

      Lady Crystal - 2007-03-19

      ... I have finally found the problem I think ...
      the source file have not the good number of columns ...

      it's a little disturbing a nullpointerexception if it's really that ...

      • Fred Toussi

        Fred Toussi - 2007-03-19

        Thanks, will note this and fix the NPE for the next update.


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