
View problem with user-defined function

  • David Miller

    David Miller - 2002-08-30

    I am using hsqldb 1.7.0 in hsql server mode.  I am able to define a function and use it in a view.  However when I shutdown and restart, I get an error message (see below). 

    If I modify the .script file and move the CREATE ALIAS statement BEFORE the CREATE VIEW statement that references it, things work...until the next time I shutdown. 

    Is this a known bug?  This seems to render user-defined functions useless.  I have looked recent bugs in  the bug list (not exhaustive), but did not find this.

    I am otherwise very happy with functionality/performance.

    Steps to re-create:

    Note: the table dual is defined as one column DUMMY VARCHAR(1) with one row 'X'....kind of Oracleish I know.

    1. Create a function
    Function source:
    public class Lib
        public static String foo () {
            return "bar";

    2. start or re-start server with function in classpath

    3. Create alias for the function
    create alias foo for "";

    4. Create a view that references the function
    create view foo_view as select foo() foo from dual;

    5. Test selecting from the view.
    select * from foo_view;

    6. Shutdown server

    7. Re-start server
    The following error message is displayed. java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: 37000 Unexpected token
    : FOO in statement [CREATE VIEW FOO_VIEW AS  select foo() foo from dual]
    java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: 37000 Unexpected token: FOO in statemen
    t [CREATE VIEW FOO_VIEW AS  select foo() foo from dual]
            at org.hsqldb.Trace.getError(
            at org.hsqldb.Log.runScript(
            at org.hsqldb.Database$Logger.openLog(
            at org.hsqldb.Database.<init>(
            at org.hsqldb.Server.openDB(
            at org.hsqldb.Server.main(

    • Fred Toussi

      Fred Toussi - 2002-08-30

      Until now, this issue was not known. We will try to fix it before the release of 1.7.1.

      Please use version 1.7.1 release candidate for your testing as it fixes a number of issues that were reported since the release of 1.7.0.

      • Fred Toussi

        Fred Toussi - 2002-09-05

        This has been fixed for the forthcoming 1.7.1 RC2. The package will be released very soon.


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