
How to use joins within Update statement in HyperSQL DB?

Ali Uzair
  • Ali Uzair

    Ali Uzair - 2014-03-11

    I am new to HSQL DB and am trying to translate few sybase query to HSQL to get a grasp of HSQL. I have a the following query, how will I translate it in HSQL DB.

    UPDATE Table1
    SET NewBalance = convert(NUMERIC(16, 2), A.Balance* B.charge)
    FROM tempdb..Table1 A, Table2 B
    WHERE A.UserID = @Userid
    AND A.Store = B.Store
    AND B.Date = @Date
    AND B.Category = @Category

  • Ali Uzair

    Ali Uzair - 2014-03-11

    translated the query as pasted below.

    UPDATE Table1 A
    SET A.NewBalance = (SELECT convert( A.Balance
    B.charge, DECIMAL(16, 2))
    FROM Table2 B
    WHERE A.Store = B.Store
    AND B.Date = Date
    AND B.Category = Category )
    WHERE A.UserID = userid;*

  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2014-03-11

    You cannot have a FROM clause in an update statement itself. A subselect is used as you have translated.


    Last edit: Fred Toussi 2014-03-11
  • Ali Uzair

    Ali Uzair - 2014-03-17

    thanks fred for confirming


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