
hotwayd - a POP3 to HTTPMail gateway daemon - 0.7 released

Hotwayd is a POP-3 to HTTPMail gateway daemon which allows any POP3 compliant mail reader to access your hotmail, msn, lycos (europe) and mailboxes in a similar way to how Outlook Express does. It does this via the HTTPMail protocol, which is a somewhat undocumented WebDAV-based protocol providing access to these mailboxes via HTTP. This daemon is written for POSIX-based (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc) operating systems, but can also be compiled in Windows using Cygwin. It generally runs as a service using xinetd or inetd on older systems, and full installation instructions are given on the web site

This release introduces fully functional proxy support. This means that should your ISP require that you use a proxy server you can now tell hotwayd about it and it will route all the HTTP requests via the specified proxy server. It is now possible to download folders other than your inbox by specifying it as part of your user name. Support has been added for European lycos mailboxes and Just put in your full email addess and hotwayd will do the work for you. There have also been some speed ups and memory allocation issues which have been fixed in this version, especially if you are using a transparent proxy like Squid.

Hotwayd has been tested with many different POP3 implementing mail readers without problems. Check it out!

Posted by David Smith 2003-10-20

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