
Beta5 is out!

New with this release
1.)Multi user levels (Admin, Cashier, Client)
2.)Client's own personal page.
3.)Realms – making this application more ready for large deployments.
4.)Extra statistics pages.
5.)Mass Action. - Using Ajax you can mass-delete expired accounts.
6.)Multi languages – Click on your language and it changes on the fly.
7.)Users can manage their own orphan sessions. They log in and close those orphan sessions which prevents them from logging in.
8.)Easy Local DNS Howto. Your users need to exit, just type 'exit' in the browser, or 'info' to go to their personal page, or logon to go on the Internet.

Missing from this release:

2.)Translations – Please we are looking for translators. The .po file is included with some 600+ phrases. See the Install HOWTO for more on that.

Upgrade HOWTO

please check the file 'README-UPGRADE-FROM-Beta-4' in the root of the tar file for a step by step HOWTO.

Please report any problems.


Posted by Dirk van der Walt 2007-11-12

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