
Help to implement Self Registered users

  • Fabrizio Lazzaretti

    Hi Dirk,
    i would implement a feature which permits the user to register a new Permanent/Voucher account by itself. I already do it by using external script and third_parties_controller.php but i would like integrate the system better, in particular:
    In the login page there's a link which points to a "register_yourself" page.
    register_yourself page then requests mandatory informations as MobilePhoneNo, User and Password. At this point i would create a Permanente user with active=false so that can be visibile into the portal.
    The user now has to activate the account by making a phone call to a special service handled by asterisk(pbx). Asterisk executes a script which checks the presence of caller-id in the yfi's users database, if number match, the user will be activated.

    i would rewrite third_parties_controller.php to accepts 'active' as paramenter, and write a new function to activate a certain user.

    do you have some tips to implements and integreates these things better?
    is there some piece of code i can reuse without rewrite it ?

    Thank you

    • Dirk van der Walt

      Hi Fabrizio,

      I've did something similar for people. I'm sure there will be code which you'll be able to use.

      The one down-side of the code is that it was done using extjs which runs optimally on desktops and does not display that well on mobile devices.

      Send me an email so I can sanitise and forward you the code.

      dirkvanderwalt at gmail

      Kind regards

  • Bruno D'Ambrosio

    Hi Dirk

    Can you sent code for Self-registration on my e-mail.


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