
Hosting App / News: Recent posts

HostingApp :: Alpha-0.1 released

HostingApp 0.1 Alpha released, Administration Interface is fully function.
I need testers and some feedback about the package.

Posted by Sadri Sahraoui 2002-09-28


Well , The project is divide in 2 parts.

1/ Administration Interface
This part is in two parts too.

1.1 = The first one is the End User Interface written in PHP coupled with MySQL.
1.2 = The second one is the System Part and it's written in Perl.

2/ Control Panel
2.1 = This part is designate to administrate hosted sites (for the end user).... read more

Posted by Sadri Sahraoui 2002-09-22

Hosting App :: Project Initiated

The current code of Hosting App is available for download. The project is currently in a pre-alpha stage, focused primarily on breaking out design/implementation areas and specific issues.

Posted by go2main 2002-09-18


This project is designed for ISP's or people who host their websites on their own servers.
The first pre-alpha version will be submitted tomorrow
I hope that you'll find this project useful.

Posted by go2main 2002-09-16