
HomeRun 0.2.3 Released - Insteon Capable

HomeRun announces a new developer/preview release
providing limited support for Insteon devices.

This should be the final milestone before 0.3 which will
feature a simple web user interface in addition to the
current RMI/Swing one. It improves stability and usability from
previous releases, but note that it is not yet stable
or production-ready.

New functionality includes bright/dim controls for X-10 and Insteon lights
and simplified package installation.

For developers, javadoc is now available for some of the core classes.

Please visit the help or developer forums to share your impressions and criticisms,
post a bug report if it fails to work as expected, or suggest new features.
If you are also a developer, bug fix code patches, extensions, etc are most welcome.

Posted by Richard Rodgers 2007-01-03

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