
HL Who's Online / News: Recent posts

v1.01 Released

I've updated the package with a new override feature. This should make it a breeze to include stats from multiple servers on a single page. Read the release notes for more information, and check out the file "multi.php" in the download to see how to use the new features.

Posted by Brian Porter 2005-10-03

v1.0 released

After quite a few years of inactivity (let's face it, not much activity was necessary), I've updated CVS and the file downloads with a 1.0 release. This version uses a new, more robust server query class that can handle all Steam-based servers. This includes both HL1 Engine games and Source Engine games. Accompanying documentation and templates have likewise been added to. Feedback is welcome.

Posted by Brian Porter 2005-08-17

Initial Release

HL Who's Online has released it's first official package.

Posted by Brian Porter 2002-11-01