
#2 Ion Canon Control Protocol RFC


I think we need a universally recognized and well-formed specs for loic control protocol. Currently, we have none, but it would be quite cool if we had RFC-like documents, as the ones we have i.e. for IRC. Naturally, it should be plain-text based, and thus expandable to different carriers, i.e. XMPP, DHT-varieties etc. Also, considering twitter and suchlike, I guess it would be handy to have short and long versions for parameters, like we have in *NIX (think -p or --protocol).


  •  NeverCast

    NeverCast - 2011-01-22

    I'll take this on board, and perhaps develop a protocol and then publish an 'RFC' document about it.

    Of course there will probably be two different support protocols, one being broadcast which would be raw text or encoded Unicode. This would be used for things like RSS and Twitter.

    Then there would be a Stream protocol that would be used for things like Direct Connection and IRC. Stream connection would give the ability for LOIC to give stats and other information back to the 'master'.

  •  NeverCast

    NeverCast - 2011-01-22

    I kinda left a few things hanging there but I'm currently working on the other LOIC version maintained by Alex. But if I do get a standard protocol set up I'll contact NewEraCracker and see if he wishes to implement it.

    Sorry about the double post.


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