
Hippal / News: Recent posts

Some notes on v 00.4 rc2

This release should be more robust and stable in many respects...

For a quick start with Hippal:


"(examples)" ---> a null-ary LiLi Lisp function

at the prompt of the Hippal Central Executive. This
allows you to load some predefined input examples
into the GUI and to operate on them.

Work on an interactive Help System has been started,
but isn't completed yet - please wait for one of the next
releases...... read more

Posted by Martin Beckmann 2005-10-25

about Hippal!

...some facts about Hippal

From the AI perspective Hippal is a system for software-synthesis, based on the multi-modular system IPAL, which it integrates into a coherent computer model,
to mention the cognitive modeling aspect.

Other AI algorithms which suit the IPAL paradigm can also be integrated into the system.

Hippal is intended to infer recursive equations and compounds of recursive equations (programs). The programs are called RPSs (recursive program schemes).
These RPSs, if over a certain signature, can be translated to common lisp, ml and haskell. ... read more

Posted by Martin Beckmann 2005-05-30