
Help! Hifn 7951 stops interrupting?

  • Jacky Cheng

    Jacky Cheng - 2003-02-20

    My system is

    Intel 1GHz
    linux 2.4.9
    crytpolib patch.

    My system can run ipsec 3des+md5 in tuunel mode at around 22Mbit/sec. But after some time, the hardware card just stops. I dump the registers
    on the card after the card stop working.
    Feb 18 19:51:23  cpu control:       00000000
    Feb 18 19:51:23  cpu int status:    000030f4
    Feb 18 19:51:23  cpu conf:          00000340
    Feb 18 19:51:23  cpu int enable:    00008000
    Feb 18 19:51:23  cpu status:        00002090
    Feb 18 19:51:23  fifo status:       00004000
    Feb 18 19:51:23  fifo conf:         00000400
    Feb 18 19:51:23
    Feb 18 19:51:23  command ring:         00fcb00c
    Feb 18 19:51:23  source ring:          00fcb024
    Feb 18 19:51:23  result ring:          00fcb034
    Feb 18 19:51:23  dest ring:            00fcb044
    Feb 18 19:51:23  dma status control:   80888084
    Feb 18 19:51:23  dma int enable:       20302020
    Feb 18 19:51:23  dma conf:             00100317
    Feb 18 19:51:23  dma chipid:           00120000

    Any idea? Thanks.


    • Jacky Cheng

      Jacky Cheng - 2003-02-21

      After struggling in the data sheet and the source code, I guess the problem is the value set into dma interrupt enable register.  The register is written with RESRING_DONE. For 3DES+MD5, there are 2 interrupts generated to complete the encryption/decryption. Somehow, the chip stops interrupting. As shown on the register dump, the RESRING bit was not set on dma status register. But the LAST bit was set. After further inspect the register, I decide to use RESRING_LAST instead of RESING_DONE. The interrupt number is reduced by half and it's working fine for now.


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