WittigM - 2012-07-20

Hi there,

i am using HIEOS V1.1 and i view @ project xutil @ com.vangent.hieos.xutil.metadate.validation.Attribute.java

at Methode void validate_doc_class() throws MetadataException i see

private void validate_doc_class() throws MetadataException {
  ArrayList doc_ids = m.getExtrinsicObjectIds();
    for (int i = 0; i < doc_ids.size(); i++) {
    String id = (String) doc_ids.get(i);
    ArrayList classs = m.getClassifications(id);
// classificationScheme name required multiple
        this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_classCode_uuid, "classCode", true, false);
        this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_confCode_uuid, "confidentialityCode", true, true);
       this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_eventCode_uuid, "eventCodeList", false, true);
       this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_formatCode_uuid, "formatCode", true, false);
       this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_hcftCode_uuid, "healthCareFacilityTypeCode", true, false);
       this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_psCode_uuid, "practiceSettingCode", true, false);
       this.validate_class("Document", id, classs, MetadataSupport.XDSDocumentEntry_classCode_uuid, "typeCode", true, false);

then i have take a look @ Hieos 2.0  same class  and there is the same methode

now i wonder why the typeCode got the classificationScheme from the classCode….

Is this an error?