
#3 Keyboard lockup after approx 10 minutes of play


I have a problem that affects both hhexen and hheretic. After about 10 minutes of play (I have not timed it precisely) my keyboard locks up. If I am in full-screen mode, I get kicked back into windowed mode. The hhexen (or hheretic) window remains focused, and continues running. Enemies usually run over and kill me pretty promptly. My mouse cursor is invisible, and I cannot defocus the game. I can still mouselook, but I cannot move or attack. No keyboard combinations will allow me to change window focus.

I can press CTRL+ALT+F1 to switch to a virtual terminal, run killall -9 hhexen-gl and then I switch back to X11 using CTRL+ALT+F7, and my mouse and keyboard are working again.

This happens no matter whether I play in full-screen or windowed mode.

I have tried compiling without OpenGL, and it makes no difference.

I am using the latest SVN trunk.

My OS is Ubuntu Linux 9.04

My hardware is a Lenovo Thinkpad X200

I have not noticed any other games with this problem. I have tested other sdl+opengl games.


  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2009-06-16

    I never have run into this before and it is definitely worth looking into. I'll also ping Steven about this to see if he has any insight into it. A note: when you are in windowed mode, presks CTRL+g to release the mouse, then you can click the window's close ('x') button to shut the game down.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2009-06-17

    While we're trying to understand what could possibly be wrong and where, can you please give us a bit of details about your:
    - compiler version,
    - your exact configure command line,
    - glibc version,
    - your hhexen.cfg and/or heretic.cfg (actually to see what keys do you use most: is it possible for you to say that the issue appears if you specifically use this or that key key combination?)
    - As a last question, did this happen with hhexen-1.5.x (or 1.4.0), or is it specific to hhexen-1.6.0 (the svn trunk doesn't have any significant changes since 1.6)?

  • Bob the Hamster

    Bob the Hamster - 2009-06-17

    > - compiler version,

    gcc 4.3.3 (from the standard ubuntu package)

    > - your exact configure command line,

    For hhexen I have tried both:

    ./configure --enable-assassin
    ./configure --enable-assassin --disable-gl

    When I get some time to do further testing I can try again without the Assassin too.

    For hheretic I am just doing


    > - glibc version,

    2.9, although since that is the standard ubuntu package, I do believe it may have a few fixes backported from 2.10

    > - your hhexen.cfg and/or heretic.cfg (actually to see what keys do you use
    > most: is it possible for you to say that the issue appears if you
    > specifically use this or that key key combination?)

    I have changed four keys from defaults. Strafe=Z Attack=X Use=C Jump=S

    For hheretic I changed Strafe=Z Attack=X Use=C

    I have not noticed if the problem corresponds to any particular key combonation.

    I don't normally touch the mouse when I play.

    > - As a last question, did this happen with hhexen-1.5.x (or 1.4.0), or is
    > it specific to hhexen-1.6.0 (the svn trunk doesn't have any significant
    > changes since 1.6)?

    I have only really played with 1.6. I did try 1.5 when it came out, but I only played it long enough to go "wow, this is cool! I have to play this later!"

    When I get some time to play, I can test with older revisions and see if the same problem happens there.

  • Bob the Hamster

    Bob the Hamster - 2009-12-08
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Bob the Hamster

    Bob the Hamster - 2009-12-08

    Marking this bug invalid. I was able to conclude that this was being caused by my screensaver settings. Also, I was mistaken to say in my original posting that it did not affect any other sdl apps, I was later bale to find others that had the problem too.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2009-12-09

    Glad to see that this arrived at a solution. The problem might be in SDL.


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