
Hail Friend Computer / News: Recent posts

first CVS import ever.

Finally, some source has been written. The fledgling tree, in module hfc, is currently capable of:

- user authentication (against users listed in user.db.)
- sitting there and looking pretty. kinda.

That's pretty much it for now, but I've not yet reached burnout, so more code should come soon.

Posted by Colin Bayer 2002-11-26

Hail Friend Computer begins.

Hello, and welcome to the (as of yet barren) project page for Hail Friend Computer. This is a redux of another project I took up a few years ago, but it never got off the ground; now, with more ideas, a healthy grounding, and (most importantly) the ability to actually write code, I'm starting it up, under a new name.

If you want to help with code or ideas on architecture (right now, I only need ideas from people who own a copy of the Paranoia ruleset; I have 1st edition, but 2nd and 5th edition owners would be welcome), e-mail me at <vogon at>.... read more

Posted by Colin Bayer 2002-11-24