
HexTool / News: Recent posts

Initial Qt Port now in GIT repository

I've ported HexTool to Qt and the initial version is in the new GIT repository. I've abandonded the CVS repo for now.

Using Qt now means that I can build HexTool for my Ubuntu machines as well as Windows, Symbian, Maemo/Meego, etc...

Currently, the window layout is no good for mobile screens, so that needs some work...

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2011-07-01

HexTool 1.7 released

The latest version of HexTool is now available.

The source code has been completely re-organised to isolate Win32 specific code. This should make porting to Linux easier if I ever get the chance.

The latest version contains IP Address fields; very useful if you are debugging network code and the IP addrs are only presented in their 32bit hex format.

To this end, I have provided an endian flip button so that you can enter the IP address in normal network order and see what it will look like in x86 host order and vice versa.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2005-10-07

HexTool Web Page back

The HexTool web page is back on a temporary location until I can convince the web hosting company for to get their finger out and fix it.

It has been down for ages now (since 5 Dec 2002) and they don't appear to be ready to do it.

Eventually, will be hosted by and it should all work properly.

For now, please let me know if you find any broken links or whatever.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2003-03-13

HexTool is Windows XP compatible!

I've just test HexTool on Windows XP and found that it is compatible.

I didn't expect any different as it already works under Windows 2000, but you never know!

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2002-05-20

Quick Survey Added - Go fill it in!

I've added a "Quick Survey" to the project so that you can provide some feedback to HexTool.

Please feel free to add any comments/improvements/suggestions that you may have.


Posted by Ryan Harkin 2001-11-29

HexTool 1-5-3-0 Released

I've now released all of my archives of HexTool, including the latest version!

Read the release note (readme.txt) included in the ZIP and let me know what you thing of HexTool.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2001-11-01

HexTool Added to CVS

I've now added version to the CVS archive to the project.

I have just re-started work now that I have my Linux box working and I have repaired my cable modem and setup.

I have shelved and branched onto because I have re-designed the user interface since I took the screenshot for the web site. HexTool is now even smaller! (Though not by much).

I'll be labelling the archive at and adding the other released soon.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2001-10-15

Where's the code?

I haven't managed to post to code yet because I have spent the last month re-installing Windows 2000 again and again and again .....

I have created a simple web page, however, with a screen shot of the program:

I will post this on the SourceForge web site when I get sorted.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2001-08-13


I am currently preparing my manual archives of HexTool (versions 1 to 4) for inclusion into the CVS archives.

I hope to have it all in CVS within the next week. Then you will be able to see how simple it really is! Unfortunately, I am new to CVS so please be patient.

The homepage will come some time after that.

Posted by Ryan Harkin 2001-06-29