
HexScript:Broadcast and SendData

  • Denis Veduta

    Denis Veduta - 2009-08-17

    I wonder about difference between these commands in the HexScript plugin, cause I wrote a script to fix the $UserIP bug. But when i use SendData. it causes no effect, but with Broadcast this command works correctly.
    Some code:
    OnUserJoined =  function (iUserId)
        local usr = Hex.User(iUserId)
            local ops={}
            local ips=""
            nickr = usr:GetNick()
            ipr = usr:GetIPString()
            while bResult == true do
                if tusr:GetAccessLevel()>20000 then table.insert(ops,tusr:GetUserID())    end

                bResult = tusr:Next()

            ips="$UserIP "..nickr.." "..ipr.."$$|"
            for id=1,#ops do
    --            Hex.Broadcast(ips)

    nickr and ipr contains thing of the user, that was just connected.

    • bluebear

      bluebear - 2009-08-25

      The difference is, as stated in the documentation, that User:SendData sends data to one user only, and Hex.Broadcast sends the data to all connected users. You may experience problems with the current Hex Script implementation, and within a few days a new version of Hex Script will be uploaded to sourceforge, but please note the new version requires HeXHub version 5.04 wich can be found at

      • Denis Veduta

        Denis Veduta - 2009-08-25

        Sounds good :)
        Could you take a look at the   ?
        There are a part of the log of the Opchat with errors, and script, which this error caused.
        Shortly, I want to mass-modify descriptions of the users (and simulate $UserIP ^^' ).
        The first thing caused Big F***g Error (Access Violation, as you can see).
        And the second works only with broadcast, and has no effect with SendData...

        • bluebear

          bluebear - 2009-08-26

          It's not that I do not want to look, but if the crashes was related to Hex Script please try again with minimum version, a lot has been fixed and the 1.2 series seems to be very stable and will be released soon. A lot of issues with the version 1 series has been solved.


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