
Added features

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-24

    Thanks for doing such a great job with the control. It is very useful, and the code is very easy to use and extend.

    I added a few features to the control and have plans to add some more.

    1. Header row - showing column offset relative to row.
    2. Header row visibility property
    3. Column separator (shows a vertical line every N bytes in both hex and string view)
    4. Column separator visibility property
    5. Column separator width property (sets the N of #3)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-24

    I also modified the code so that strings are shown also when chars per line is not fixed. As far as I tested this works very well - only downside is that you may see a bit of "wasted" space at the right if there's not enough room for hex+string to be added. It is a very welcome addition for my use though - and thanks to your coding style it was very easy to add in. Cheers.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-25

    Planning to add:
    1. allowing dynamic size addresses - up to 64 bit
    2. Cleanup of win32 API to pure windows forms so that controls would run on mono - and therefore become cross-platform
    3. moving some of the hex-editor functionality into the control (goto, find/replace)

  • Bernhard Elbl

    Bernhard Elbl - 2012-03-25

    Thank's for your compliments about the code.

    I'm very interested to see your feature implementations. After a review I would decide whether or not to add it to the project's code for next release. I'll send you my email address for file transfer.

  • Bernhard Elbl

    Bernhard Elbl - 2012-03-25

    I can not contact you through source forge message. You can find my email address here…

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-25

    Please supply email address so I can send (my gmail is itai42) - send me email and I'll send modified HexBox.cs


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