
#247 THE crashes between internally generated sessions


The Setup: THE_PROFILE_FILE is C:\THE\XEDITPROF2LB.the -> Mouse-click 2LB on a file name in a Windows 7 filelist, under folder name THE

The Action: This activates XEDITPROF2LB.the, which gets filename = fpath.1()||filename.1(), sets several ENVIRONMENT variables to pass along, THEN it does a "COMMAND QUIT". THEN it does an "Address Command Start" on THE.exe,with XEDITPROFILE.the as the Profile file, and the filename of the file to be edited, and -k4 as the Soft Label Key format.

The Sting: Half the time THE succesfully starts the session, I am able to complete the editing, and all is well. The other half of the time, THE crashes and Windows 7 gives me the bogus small window saying it is looking into the matter. I simply try again, and keep trying until the edit session opens.

The Payoff: I have run this the other way, where I reversed the order of "QUIT" and "Start". I did not work. Same results. It smells like a timing issue to me, whereby there is a race to some internal resource which does not get locked and is double-used...thereby causing the crash.


  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-06-15

    It does not SEEM to matter what version of THE is executing. This has occurred with THE33b3 and with THERC1. But I HAVE been using ooRexx 4.1.1 as the interpreter in both cases.

  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-06-15

    And I'm running Windows 7 .

  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-07-03

    I am attaching a generalized format hexdump of THEG.exe, which is what became active at the time of the THE error. If you don't require this dump, please delete it. I created it when THE blew up and the Windows error frame came up and said the problem was being looked at. I left the window as is, went to Task Manager and created a dump, which is being uploaded to you. There are no symbols in it since I didn't download the Symbol table(s) from Microsoft to process the dump with.

  • John Timmons

    John Timmons - 2012-07-04

    never mind the previous comment. I tried uploading the dump to you but it was too big and taking too long so I killed it. If you do need it let me know. I'll keep it on my THE folder.


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