
Fedora HessianCPP & SSLPP

  • Alan

    Alan - 2011-02-03

    Hi, I just installed this on Fedora, had some small issues.

    1. I had to first download and compile SSLPP - you'll find it in the repository alongside hessiancpp - place it at the same level as hessiancpp in your filesystem

    2.  Add, CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/libsslpp/include/ under SSLPP=../sslpp in the Makefile

    3. Change


    Should compile now,

  • Alan

    Alan - 2011-02-03

    I can't figure out how to edit this, small typo:





  • Radu-Adrian Popescu

    Sorry about that!
    Thanks for putting this up, maybe i'll help others as well.
    I'll have to get serious about getting this to compile on a few different releases out of the box, maybe handle sslpp and all little better. If only I had the time!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-13

    some recent testing of java to c++ interoperability has revealed what seems like a possible bug in wrapper.cpp (I believe… Not looking at the source at the moment).  The problem manifests itself under Centos 5.6 with the current gcc-g++ from yum.  The string constructor used in the to_string method to pad the string out to the target size is not invoking the correct constructor.  The problem seems to be easily fixable by adding on the missing optional argument from the intended constructor.  without said optional argument, the unintended constructor call overwrites the string buffer and corrupts memory, causing clients to eventually core on reading in a String object.

  • Radu-Adrian Popescu

    Unfortunately I don't have the time to reproduce and investigate this right now. I'd appreciate it if you could provide more details. I'm looking at wrappers.cpp now and I see:


    247       string str(" ", more_cap(wlen));





    . Looking here at the ctor signatures this will match the

    string(const char* s, size_t n)

    call, which is described as

    "Content is initialized to a copy of the string formed by the first n characters in the array of characters pointed by s".

    So if


    returns anything larger than 1, the ctor will read lots of characters from the static data section of the program and copy those into the new string, won't it?…
    I believe this is a problem indeed. I cannot see what the optional argument you're mentioning is or could be, but the ctor is definitely the wrong one, as we want the

    string (size_t n, char c);

    one. I believe line 247 should read:

    247       string str(more_cap(wlen), ' ');

    Could you please make this change and retry your testing? Much appreciated!


  • Radu-Adrian Popescu

    Sorry for the annoying overuse of the "code" tag, I was expecting more of an typewriter font effect than this.


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