
#50 Many many more reports



We have been trying Opensource Helpdesk packages.
HelpMeICT has the nicest, simplest interface by far,
and users have responded well to and have prefered it.
However, from a management point of view, people hated it.

The main problem seems to be that its very lacking in
reports. The number of reports is very limited, and
doesnt allow us to show the number of tickets for
certain users, or to identify training required based
on user issues that occur.

The alternative we are looking at is MyHelpDesk which
is painful as far as users are concerned, and the day
to day ticket management is hard, but reports !!!
reports everywhere.

Please PLEASE can we have more reports, or tell me how
to create my own :)



  • Chris Puttick

    Chris Puttick - 2004-05-25
    • milestone: --> Release_1.0
  • Chris Puttick

    Chris Puttick - 2004-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    Not wanting to delay release 0.9 any further, I've added
    this to release 1! In the interim (and the developers will
    rapidly correct me if I'm wrong), the database is just a...
    database! e.g. reports can be generated by querying the data
    at a raw level - Dave/Mark/Others; maybe we can just output
    the data in a CSV? Or provide an OpenOffice Python plugin
    that can interrogate the data? Or (and my brain's
    overheating this early in the morning) can't OpenOffice just
    have a connector direct to Postgre?

  • Todd

    Todd - 2004-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    The main idea I had for reporting was a split between Simple
    Advanced reporting tabs. Simple would contain pre-made,
    common but
    somewhat customizable reports for your average manager.
    This includes
    things like:

    Open Work Orders (per site, per reporter, per assignee, per
    Closed Work Orders (per site, per reporter, per assignee, per
    Based on Time to Completion (we don't time things but I'm
    sure there
    are those that do)
    Problem Groupings (i.e. how many "PC Broken" work orders
    vs. "Software
    Installation" vs. etc.)

    The advanced reporting tab would provide an extensive set
    of drop
    down menus in which you could build your own report from
    scratch. A good
    open source work order system I've seen that has an
    excellent reporting
    is Double Chocco Latte ( The front end
    does not
    provide what most school districts need and its a bit heavy
    but the
    reporting section is great (I'm also a big fan of Postrgres for
    something like this and they use MySQL). You may want to
    check it out as
    they have a working demo online. There was, once long ago
    in the kingdom
    of Internet, another work order system that was very solid
    called Green
    something or other ... my memory has faded since having
    kids ... it was
    an excellent system from top to bottom but the gentleman
    who had been
    developing it decided to retire so no more updates, support or
    even web
    site. Alas the "Ages of Old" has closed its book.

  • Mark Harrison

    Mark Harrison - 2004-05-28

    Logged In: YES

    I would like to get this into 0.9 if at all possible, at
    least the 'Simple' reports mentioned below. As mentioned on
    the mailing list, the reports system is a pretty major
    feature desperately in need of improvement.

  • Chris Puttick

    Chris Puttick - 2004-05-28

    Logged In: YES

    My head and heart tell me we need to just release 0.9 with
    the functionality that's already listed in the RFEs - if
    there's a need to rework the reporting system prior to 1.0
    release, let's go for a 0.95 that includes it rather than
    delaying any further (once we talked about a 0.9 release for
    January... (ok, so that was before I secured the funding for
    the other projects...)) the 0.9 release! Remember the
    roadmap already reaches 1.2 ;-)


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